Friday, 14 October 2011

Friday Fashion Icon No.1

Hey guys! This is probably going to be a semi-regular post, not every week, but perhaps every month. Anyway, I hope every ones well and enjoying the incredible weather we're having in the U.K!
So, this month I've really been loving the style of Alexa Chung, who I'm sure you're all familiar with!
Alexa Chung has definitely brought back 'granny chic' and her use of a briefcase/satchel style bag inspired Mulberry to create a new bag, and actually name it after her! If having Mulberry name a bag after you doesn't make you a style icon, I don't know what does!
Do you like Alexa's style? Be sure to comment and let me know!


  1. Love her style so so much. And i so wish i could afford that bag, it makes me so jealous when i see people with it!

  2. I love "granny chic." One of my friends can really rock this look! Alexa Chung has great style!
